Runway information: 2878 X 40 Asphalt, 75 wide with grass shoulder Elevation 631. Arcal Type J Grass taxiway
Weather Information: Automated Weather Service
Location Information: 262 Mud St. Grimsby ON. N 43.09.5 W79.38.1
Services: 100LL (call out fee $25).
Maintenance, Tiedown, Hangars. Internet available on the field
Description of Hangars: T hangars with 38-6 width, 30 deep.
With manual doors or electric bifold doors.

Clubhouse: Available to tenants and transients. Kitchen, internet, washrooms.
Weather Report
262 Mud St W,
Grimsby, ON L0R 1M0
(905) 945-6161
© Grimsby Regional Airport